New: Ahh! First post!

I'm very excited to start a blog!
I don't know how frequently I'm going to update,
but I'm going to try my best :)
This is a picture of me at the Vermont Park.
I love going to Vermont Park! I usually go there when it's warm..
Like during spring or summer.
But bleh... even though it's spring, it's still chill out there
especially since the park is next to Michigan River, it's worse!
But as soon as the weather gets warmer,
I'm going to go straight to that park lol


  1. nice sue! okay sooo i just realized... i had a bolg at this website... last year we had to write a paper... called the beast AND our teacher made each of us start a blog ...

  2. LOL I just went to your blog and I was super confused!! I was like.. um.. what is this? lol

  3. lol dont go back!! it was on.... hmmmm... huuhhh lord of the flies! yes that right... it was pain!

  4. hahaha yeah, i was confused at first but i get it... so, it was like an assignment? that's cool.
