So basically.. this week is going to be super busy....
I just finished my resume and essay for MICA..
and three essays for Wellesely.. ha.ha.ha.
Am I relieved from stress? Not at all.
well, I guess I am sort of...
the fact that I finished 6 essays out of 10 essays...
I kinda lost track of my college process.. Im doing
whatever crap I need to do...
Photoshoot for all my paintings and drawings.. PORTFOLIO!
Start friggin Cooper Union home test
Parsons challenge and other essays I have to write
Send/Submit my portfolio...
Cannot wait. Cannot wait.
I'm seriously so excited for the photoshoot.
I cannot wait till I see my babies in pictures hahaha
I've spent straight 4 months painting and drawing
every single day without break.
I need a break... but I need to do more and more.
It's stressful and dreadful...
Not because I'm painting and drawing all the time.
But the fact that I have limited amt of time
and had to squeeze everything...
I'll post some of my paintings later on my blog.
I am really excited.
I'm definitely going to cry over joy when I'm done
with portfolio. I am going to jump and scream when
I'm done with all the college process.
Now I'm thinking about it...
it's going to be pain in the butt to edit all the images..
jump and scream!!! i hope your done with everything... but then i totally missed the jumping and screaming part of your life